Creating a free charity campaign video in Canva

communications digital fundraising fundraising campaigns fundraising ideas Sep 26, 2022

For many of the small charities I've worked with the idea of creating a fundraising campaign may be daunting to say the least. It really doesn't need to be though. Really creating a campaign can be as simple as writing a letter or email and sending it to some supporters.

However, in order to maximise the impact of your campaign on a low budget, you can bring it to life using visually engaging graphics or video, that can easily be repurposed from photographs or footage you may already have. The example above illustrates how previous media has been repurposed to create a campaign video for a small charity, to celebrate their 25th year anniversary.

Using Canva, which is free for charities to sign up to- just follow this link- I was able to create this video totally free of charge.

Embedded into an e-newsletter, and sent out via 'Mailchimp' the film will be sent out to the few hundred people on the charities mailing list with a friendly email to explain context and what a donation would mean to the charity.

This 5 stage campaign planner diagram below will help you to create your campaign concept by taking you through the key stages you should consider when designing it. 

Don't forget to create a hashtag for your campaign that can be used alongside media, and remember to always add a 'Call to Action' instructing the reader/watcher clearly on what you are asking them to do next (to make a donation usually!). Let me know if you have any other tips for creating a low cost campaign :)

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